Friday, December 31, 2010

To me, it has always seemed like the world is going to shit. This year looking back at everything, it feels it finally has. Disasters, wars, crisis, death. Can it get much worse than this?

Selfishly, for me, I think I can honestly say that 2010 was my favorite year so far. Incredible things have happened and I'm grateful for all of it.

Looking at last year's list, I accomplished (Almost) everything I wanted to. Hell yeah:

-Tell fam about things they should know: Check (well, define "family". What a relief. Still lots of work though)
-Get some more life direction: Check, but ongoing
-Get an EMT job - or really any other job that makes me happy and helps me to be more financially independent/secure: Uh. That didn't happen.
-Travel more: Check
-Continue to maintain friendships/relationship: Check (and even made a few new friends!)
-Not get hit by cars: Check!
-Develop and implement plans to get out of Boston: Check (packing my bags for NY)
-Do cooler things in general: Check and mate

What's up for next year?

-Maintain friendships/relationship
-Leave job when I know it's time and avoid making yourself miserable
-Do everything there is to do in Boston before I leave
-Travel and explore
-Road trip
-Read hella books
-Try harder and continue to make Mom understand
-Help make this world not such a shitty place
-Be cool, go to school

That's all I got for now. See you on the other side <3

Thursday, September 30, 2010

I really don't want to jinx it, but I still just can't believe how incredibly well things are going these days. I have to remember this feeling. I am so lucky. Everything is falling into place.

Keep it coming.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Forever ago

It has been so long since I've been on this thing that I had to type the whole website into the browser, but I had to remember what it was even called, and then I had to "sign in". Weird.

I wish I used this more often to post things up but I have things like my own journal to write in and Google Reader which had revolutionized my life and I am able to share cool things I find on there. Well, supposing I find cool things.

But I guess every once in a while it's nice to come back here and free write/rant, as I am doing right now.

I'm laying in my bed with my swollen feet coming home after the Miike Snow concert which was spectacular. From my window I can see the moon in its entirety. I think it might be full tonight. I can never tell because there is always that tiny little piece that always remains. I want to eat the moon because I like imagining it made out of cheese like Wallace and Gromit suggest.

Uh. Some other things on my mind include:

1) I'm afraid of the mice and getting up in the middle of the night and seeing them. Luckily, I am able to find my way through my apartment in the dark now so I won't have to see them. Unfortunately, my sensory nerves are still intact so I'm still at risk of feeling it if it touches me and that's definitely worse. I don't know what I'll do if that happens.

2)I'm working a lot which is good and bad. I get paid beans. Less than beans. Half beans. Half gross pinto beans. But I am learning a lot and getting to draw blood and do fun stuff like that. I practiced on Simpa again today and I wasn't so good. I guess it was beginners luck the first time. I also need to study more. Less than two months away. Jebus.

3)I'm going to miss Simpa so much when he's gone.

4)When am I ever going to put my EMT skills to use? Can someone please just go into cardiac arrest when I'm around. I promise I'll be good to you.

5)I can't wait to make some mobiles if I ever get around to it.

6)I hate college and I'm so glad I'm not in it and I don't miss at all.

7)I need something to inspire me. I'm searching and I get hints of things sometimes, but I'm waiting for something incredible to happen.

8)I love my gf's sexy shawtys.

Okay that's all I got.