Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Bladder near my eye

I can't sit here and write anything about the type of person you were and what the things I'll miss about you were. But I can say how much your writing has meant to me and how everytime I read through one of your books I get so sad towards the end because I know it's almost over, but only for a second, because it just means I'll get to re-read all my favorite parts again once I start over. And I always think of the Great Bladdered Emer after a large coffee. And the pie in the theater when I'm lonely. And God in the backyard when I take communion (which is never, but you know). My heart warms when I think of you and in my emergency-in-case-of-fire-bag, definitely lies a copy of all the words in the books you've shared with us.

"...I'll never forget this hour on the pier with Horace with seagulls circling for what might comes and ships strung along the Hudson waiting for tugboats to dock them or push them out to Narrows,...Horace offering me another chunk of sandwich telling me I could use a few pounds on my bones and his surprised look when I nearly drop the sandwich, nearly drop it because of the weakness in my heart and the way tears are dropping on the sandwhich and I don't know why, can't explain it to Horace or myself with the power of this sadness that tells me this won't come again, this sandwich, this beer on the pier with Horace that makes me feel so happy all I can do is weep with the sadness in it and I feel so foolish I'd liek to rest my head on his shoulder and he knows that because he moves closer, puts his arm around me as if I were his own son, the two of us black or white or nothing, and it doesn't matter because there's nothing to do but put down the sandwich where a seagull swoops in and gobbles and we laugh, Horace and I, and he puts in my hand the whitest handkerchief I've ever seen and when I offer it back he shakes his head, keep it, and I tell myself I'll keep that handkerchief till my last breath" ('Tis)

Another long one but just too good to not write down:

"Things in shop windows have names I don't know and I don't know how I traveled this far in life in such a state of ignorance. There are florist shops along the avenue and all I can name beyond these windows is geraniums. Respectable people in Limerick were mad for the geraniums and when I delivered telegrams there were often notes on the front door, Please slide the window up and leave messages under the geranium pot. It's strange to stand at a florist's shop on Fifth Avenue remembering how delivering telegrams helped me become an expert on geraniums and now I don't even like them. They never excited me like other flowers in people's gardens with all that color and fragrance and the sadness of their dying in the autumn. Geraniums have no fragrance, they live forever and the taste makes you sick though I'm sure there are people there on Park Avenue who would take me aside and spend an hour persuading me of the glories of the geranium and I suppose I'd have to agree with them because everywhere I go people know more about everything than I do and it's not likely you'd be rich and living on Park Avenue unless you had a profound knowledge of geraniums and growing things in general" ('Tis)

Things that will make me happier

I think I'm probably just having serious pms, but it's wearing me down. And it's hard when I'm not doing anything I like even though I know what the things are that would make me happier. A lot of it is because these stupid classes are taking up my time. But I can still do Things:

-get EMT job ASAP: this is all I ever want to do and I'm so sad I'm forgetting everything. Everytime I see an ambulance go by I peer inside to see who's driving and imagine it being me and then cry a little.

-use as many abbreviations as possible

-explore options for what the hecko do to with my life and plan how to get out of Boston

-volunteer hellza- I really want to be one of those cuddlers that holds the crack babies who don't get no love. And other things too.

-give blood- hurts a lot but I think I'm finally iron sufficient

-paint wall- I have all the supplies and ideas and I just want it to be crazy.

-practice guitar more so I can impress Matt

-make magnets/things out of bottle caps

-make a cover for my new cam

-fix the fuggin toilet so it stops making that noise- but actually the real solution is just get a new one but I have to look into that too

-get craft room all ready: I have some good/fun ideas for this and it'll be so nice when it's not just a shit hole in there

-buy local/organic (oy)

-read all the books I've been meaning to

-stop talking to people I hate hate hate

-continue to abstain from smoking and decrease alcohol intake (the later I'm more willing to bend the rules with)

-get back to work (not going to make me happy but at least I won't get yelled at)

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Please stop lying.
Please stop trying.

I can't do this anymore.

I'm down to my core.


Trying build up my strength again.
It's all I have left.
Get out of my way.
And let me be.

Turn around and don't look back.
The road behind you disappears as you walk away.

No more bucket full of tears,
Grey clouds in my head.
I'm done with the promises.
I'm happy in this empty bed.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

I missed 711!

I never think to use this thing anymore. I internalize a lot of what I usually write down these days. Or maybe actually I'm just saying them out loud all the time to my new, wonderful roommates who I have declared as my "love doctors" that I don't need to write anything down anymore. Having them two is a real pain in the ass. (paha jk lindz). It's actually so good to have them there and so relieving to get rid of a certain someone that I knew I would not be happy living with. They are really good with washing dishes, throwing away dead mice (!), entertaining me while I lay on my fat ass in bed, and making me the happiest in the world. They're gone for tonight and I already miss them. I need someone to look out the window with.

Everything else I guess is okay. Summer is slowly emerging which is so nice to be able to load up on the vitamin D. And I guess I've had some semi-major life deviations- I just have to come up with what else I want to do with my life than what I had orginally planned. But I'm okay with that- it's almost kind of nice to have the opportunity to think about what else I can apply myself to. I'd ideally like to start up my clinic in Lesotho and just recruit all my friends to work together, but that kind of seems like it might be acoupla decades down the line...

I still hate some people and still love others. Lauren left too and that's super sad. I hope she likes her new life though and I just have to be happy that I'll have another place to visit and get the hell out of Boston. (Although I'm getting really good at the boston accent these days, see).

I didn't go out and celebrate the holiday today, but that's okay. I'm not sure those things are really worth it. If you offered me a Richie's slushi though, I might change my mind.

Finally, note to self: craigslist is only good for free things and/or stuff no one wants. Meeting people is not included in this category. Okay.