Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Things that will make me happier

I think I'm probably just having serious pms, but it's wearing me down. And it's hard when I'm not doing anything I like even though I know what the things are that would make me happier. A lot of it is because these stupid classes are taking up my time. But I can still do Things:

-get EMT job ASAP: this is all I ever want to do and I'm so sad I'm forgetting everything. Everytime I see an ambulance go by I peer inside to see who's driving and imagine it being me and then cry a little.

-use as many abbreviations as possible

-explore options for what the hecko do to with my life and plan how to get out of Boston

-volunteer hellza- I really want to be one of those cuddlers that holds the crack babies who don't get no love. And other things too.

-give blood- hurts a lot but I think I'm finally iron sufficient

-paint wall- I have all the supplies and ideas and I just want it to be crazy.

-practice guitar more so I can impress Matt

-make magnets/things out of bottle caps

-make a cover for my new cam

-fix the fuggin toilet so it stops making that noise- but actually the real solution is just get a new one but I have to look into that too

-get craft room all ready: I have some good/fun ideas for this and it'll be so nice when it's not just a shit hole in there

-buy local/organic (oy)

-read all the books I've been meaning to

-stop talking to people I hate hate hate

-continue to abstain from smoking and decrease alcohol intake (the later I'm more willing to bend the rules with)

-get back to work (not going to make me happy but at least I won't get yelled at)

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